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To sign up for discount tee times click here. This will send an email to our discount tee times mailing list for you to join. When we send out an email of discount times you will receive the email and will be able to book your discount time.

  Save up to 75% on BC tee times
Are you tired of paying pricey green fees? Tired of searching all over the Net for discounted green fees. The answer is here.

When courses find themselves looking at a tee sheet with numerous empty spaces on an upcoming day they can post some/all of those times to our last minute tee time system. As these times are received we simultaneously fire out an alert to everyone that has signed up for discount tee times.

To be placed on our discount tee time email list you need to send an email to whistlerteetimes.com which is the domain name we use for sending out discount notices. You will then get an email in return asking you to confirm that it is indeed you that is wanting to get the discount tee time emails. Just reply to that email to confirm.

To send an email to us to subscribe click here
  Courses - Post those unsold times
Do you have more times than you can sell?

We have thousands of golfers that just might be able to be persuaded to come out to play this week or weekend if there's a discount deal to be had.

For more information on how to post times call Last Minute Golf BC at 604-878-1833 or BCGolf.com at 604-788-0044.


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